The Definitive Indie SaaS Handbook

Learn to build profitable SaaS startups the indie way

38 copies sold today ($1130 earned)

Defy is a mentorship program that offers a range of resources to support founders, with our book for founders being one of the most popular offerings. The book is a practical guide that covers essential topics for entrepreneurs, providing actionable advice and real-world examples to help navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business

Learn From a 7 Figure Founder

$1.3 Million earned from 2 SaaS Companies

Learn my process and start running a lucrative SaaS solo. As seen on TikTok with over 25 thousand followers and millions of views.

@SaaSgod @SaaSgod on tiktok
Identify a genuine problem from your own life experience, find a group of people with that same problem. This is your customer base.
Develop your idea with powerful tools. Defy teaches several different methods to build your idea, beginner and expert friendly.
Launch strategically. Target well-known startup and mainstream social sites. Present your product in a genuine, helpful manner.
Monetize by directly asking users for payment. Be transparent about the need for funds to sustain and improve the product they value.