A Direct Roadmap for SaaS
Arrive at Your First Product

  • Idea - Step 1

    This first stop on the road to releasing your SaaS provides a deep understanding of how to come up with ideas for software and make sure they're doable and profitable.

    • Come up with an idea Get Started
    • Conduct market research to assess competition and validate demand for your solution
    • Identify target audience, analyze their various pain points, and brainstorm solutions
  • Minium Viable Product - Step 2

    This stop will teach you everything you need to know to build your first MVP. The Minium Viable Product is the foundation of your business, users interacting with it validates that you've built something useful.

    • Define essential features based on user needs and prioritize development efforts
    • Establish a scalable technical architecture and choose appropriate tech stack for your MVP
    • Design intuitive UI/UX and develop a functional prototype with core functionalities
  • Purchase to gain access to this content

    Become a member to gain access to the next 10 sections of the roadmap and so much more.

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    Prepare to Ship- Step 3

    This stop is all about preparing for your first product launch. You'll be taught how to market and build hype for your product and the final steps you need to take before official release.

    • Conduct thorough testing and bug fixing to ensure a stable and user-friendly product
    • Develop comprehensive documentation, including user guides, FAQs, and technical specifications
    • Set up necessary infrastructure for deployment, monitoring, and customer support
  • Purchase to gain access to this content

    Become a member to gain access to the next 10 sections of the roadmap and so much more.

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    Get Paid for Your Work - Step 4

    Although this is a bugfix it could affect your site if you were working around the bug in your own code by not prefixing the group class.

    • Added utilities for screenreader visibility
    • First, last, even, and odd child variants
    • Disabled variant
    • Visited variant